D-BERG and B-BERG Research Group Inquiry Form

We are looking for motivated new members to join the Daniel-Biology Education Research Group (D-BERG) and the new Bucklin-Biology Education Research Group (B-BERG). Potential members must be interested in projects addressing novel research questions in biology education. Please complete the Inquiry Form to indicate your research experience and interests.

  • Ph.D. Student – highly competitive, limited, funded positions available beginning Fall 2025 (or after): Candidates with a background in biology and experience doing quantitative and/or qualitative research in the educational or social sciences is highly desirable. Candidates should already hold a Master’s degree in Biology, Science Education, or related field. A record of publications in biology education and/or biological sciences is preferred. If awarded, 9-Month funded positions are potentially renewable up to 4 years. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS to Dr. Daniel and/or Dr. Bucklin: Jan 5, 2024 (University deadline is Jan 15 FIRM).
    • **Note: Currently, Dr. Daniel is not accepting applications for new students until Fall 2027.
  • M.S. Student – multiple funded positions available beginning Fall 2025 (or after): Candidates with a strong biology background are welcome to inquire. Research experience in science education/communication/cognitive psychology is preferred. If awarded, 9-Month funded Instructional Assistantship stipend guaranteed each year with potential options for additional competitive summer funding. ROLLING DEADLINE (Priority given to students that contact to Dr. Daniel and/or Dr. Bucklin by Apr 5 for Fall Entry, TXST has a rolling deadline).
  • Undergraduate Honor’s College Thesis Student: A candidate must be enrolled in the Honor’s College at Texas State University and interested in pursuing a research project in science education in higher education or informal science settings. Interested students must contact Dr. Bucklin and/or Dr. Daniel. (See Honor’s College Schedule for Deadlines)
  • Undergraduate Volunteers: A student with strong biology, education, communication, or psychology knowledge is welcome to join our research group(s) to help work on existing projects along side a graduate student. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is preferred. Jobs may include designing and developing educational materials, recruiting research participants, engaging in community outreach, conducting interviews and observations, collecting and analyzing data, performing literature reviews, designing and facilitating educational activities, and other fun stuff. (Pending needs and funding, volunteers may be hired to assist on specific projects for set periods of time with pay)

NOTE: All Graduate Assistantships come with a waiver of the out-of-state portion of tuition for Fall and Spring semesters (you will need to complete a form, but this is guaranteed). Graduate Assistants also receive access to enroll in university student health benefits. The department also offers merit-based scholarships each year through an open-call process to all students due in February. Additional funding from the Graduate College, such as doctoral and master’s research fellowships and merit scholarships (which waive a significant portion of tuition), are available on a competitive basis (see Student Support for more details).

Prospective Postdocs: D-BERG and B-BERG are always open to considering acceptance of qualified postdoctoral researchers! Funding for such positions may come from a postdoctoral grant (e.g., NSF) or from other sources that may already be available, pending research interests. Because securing funds requires planning ahead, wherever you apply, you should plan on contacting your potential postdoctoral adviser(s) at least six months before you expect to join a research group. Planning ahead is the best way to increase your chance for successfully securing a funded postdoctoral opportunity.

Daniel Research Group Membership Inquiry Form

Daniel Research Group Membership Inquiry Form

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